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Home Name Origins Scottish Gaelic Names with Scottish Gaelic OriginsThis page presents a carefully curated list of 253 Scottish Gaelic names, each adorned with its own unique meaning and shrouded in the mystique of a bygone era. Whether you seek to honor your Scottish roots, embrace a connection to nature, or simply discover the beauty of these ancient names, this collection offers a rich tapestry of choices to inspire and enchant.
Meaning of Scottish Gaelic Names Scottish Gaelic names trace their lineage to the language of the Scottish Highlands and Islands.
When choosing a Scottish Gaelic name, you embark on a journey into a world of ancient traditions and evocative meanings.
Top 10 Scottish Gaelic Names Top 10 Most Popular Scottish Gaelic Names in 2024Based on name popularity data Top Ten Scottish Gaelic Boy Names Top Ten Scottish Gaelic Girl Names 1. Douglas Douglas: Gaelic, "dark stream" or "black water"
2. Ian Ian: "God is gracious" (Hebrew)
3. Malcolm Malcolm: "devotee of Saint Columba" (Scottish Gaelic)
4. Arran Arran: Gaelic origin, meaning "high place" or "mountain," often associated with strength and elevation.
5. Fergus Fergus: "man of strength" (Celtic)
6. Ean Ean: Scottish Gaelic origin meaning "John," representing strength, loyalty, and determination.
7. Keir Keir: "swarthy/dark-haired" or "left-handed" (Scottish Gaelic)
8. Struan Struan (Scottish Gaelic): "stream valley"
9. Allister Allister: Scottish Gaelic for "defender of mankind," representing strength, bravery, and duty.
10. Kinnick Of uncertain origin; possibly "lord" or "chieftain" (Irish) or "descendant of Kenneth" (Scottish Gaelic).
1. Isla Isla: "island," a peaceful sanctuary surrounded by the soothing whispers of the sea.
2. Mckayla Daughter of fire
3. Jaimie Jaimie: "supplanter", "one who follows" (Hebrew)
4. Shona Shona: Scottish Gaelic meaning "God is gracious"
5. Mhairi Mhairi, of Scottish Gaelic origin, means "star of the sea," equivalent to Mary.
6. Mairi Mairi: "beloved of the sea" (Scottish)
7. Islay Islay: noble
8. Glendora Glendora: "Valley of the Willows" (Scottish Gaelic)
9. Ianna Ianna: Scottish Gaelic origin, "God is gracious"
10. Mc Mc: Irish, "son of" (patronymic surname)
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