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Home Name Origins Edo Names with Edo OriginsThis page provides a list of Edo names, along with their meanings and origins. The purpose of this page is to provide expectant parents with a resource for finding the perfect name for their child. We hope that this list will inspire you to continue exploring the beautiful and meaningful names of Edo origin.
Meaning of Edo Names Edo names are those that originated in the Edo period of Japan, which lasted from 161153 to 1868.
When choosing a name, it's important to consider the meaning and origin behind it. The Edo period in Japan has a rich history and culture, and its names reflect the values and traditions of that time.
Top 10 Edo Names Top 10 Most Popular Edo Names in 2024Based on name popularity data Top Ten Edo Boy Names Top Ten Edo Girl Names 1. Etinosa Path guided by divine light, embracing knowledge and righteousness.
2. Uyiosa God's favor
3. Oghosa Divine Messenger, Wisdom, Purpose
4. Ikponmwosa Gifted with wealth and success (Nigerian)
5. Osazee Osazee conveys divine protection and deliverance.
6. Osahon Osahon: God's gift, child given by God
7. Osagie Victory, success
8. Osaretin God's blessing, favor, wealth.
9. Orobosa God's Gift
10. Edosa Wealth, prosperity, abundance
1. Jaloni Jaloni (African): born on a Friday; to ascend; watchful
2. Iwinosa Iwinosa: Prosperity and wealth (Edo origin)
3. Esohe Esohe: Gift from God, special blessing.
4. Itohan Itohan, "cherished child" from Edo.
5. Osasere God's gift, blessing
6. Ufuoma An Edo name meaning "a child that brings blessings," embodying hope and prosperity for the family.
7. Uyioghosa God's glory, divine connection
8. Isoken Isoken: Child born with a smile, joy, cheerfulness
9. Osayamen Gift from God
10. Osarumwense Osarumwense: Edo, "God's will"
Gender All Boys Girls Unisex Unknown
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