Page 5 Names Like Zaffar

Showing 81 to 100 out of total 187 names like Zaffar

This name derives from the Old Norse “sif,” meaning “wife, bride,” singular form of the plural “sifjar,” meaning “affinity, connexion by marriage.” In Norse mythology, Sif is a goddess associated with earth. Sif is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th-century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th-century by Snorri Sturluson the poetry of skalds. Sifjar is cognate to the Old English “sib” (affinity, connection, by marriage) and in other Germanic languages: Gothic language “sibja,” Old High German “sibba,” and German “Sippe.” Sifjar appears not only in ancient poetry and records of law but also in compounds “byggja sifjar,” meaning “to marry.”
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Zéphuros (Ζέφυρος),” meaning “Zephyrus, Zephyr, the west wind.” Finally, the name derives from the word “zófos (ζόφος),” meaning “west, dark region, darkness (where the sun sets).” In Greek mythology, Zephyrus was the personification of the west wind and the bringer of light spring and early summer breezes; his Roman equivalent was Favonius. In the myth of Cupid and Psyche, Zephyrus was the attendant of Cupid, who brought Psyche to his master’s palace. It was thought that Zephyrus lived in a cave in Thrace. Pope Zephyrinus was the 15th bishop of Rome and Pope. He is a revered saint by the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on December 20. He was Pope from 199 to his death in 217. His predecessor was Pope Victor I.
This name derives from the Latin “sĕvērus,” meaning “severe, serious, strict, Inflexible, stern, hard, austere figure.” The most important figure was “Severus,” the first bishop of Ravenna, considered a saint by the Church, whose cult is widespread in Germany. 1) Saint Severus (Italian: San Severo di Napoli) (died 409) was a bishop of Naples during the 4th and 5th-centuries. 2) Severus, the Great of Antioch, was a Syriac and last non-Chalcedonian patriarch to reside in Antioch and is considered one of the founders of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Severus is also considered a Church father and a saint in Oriental Orthodoxy. 3) Severus Snape is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. He is described as a person of considerable complexity, whose coldly sarcastic and controlled exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish.
One who defeted others, one who is a victor, One who defeted others, one who is a victor.
Ambassador, Handsome, Emissary, Mediator, A mediator.
A short an yielding individual, A short an yielding individual.