Names Like Vilius

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 46 names like Vilius

From the Greek phyllis, meaning "foliage".
A name essenially means 'flowering or blossoming'.
A Latin name, meaning: Flourishing.
A leafy and green foliage.
A foliage, passive and easy going nature.
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “phúllon (φῠ́λλον) phullís (Φυλλίς),” meaning “leaf, foliage, plant.” In Greek mythology, Phyllis was a daughter of a Thracian king. She married Demophon, King of Athens and son of Theseus, while he stopped in Thrace on his journey home from the Trojan War.
A lucky and successful lady.
Female form of Felix, which is from the Latin meaning "lucky" or "fortunate".
This name derives from the Latin “fēlix,” meaning “happiness, good fortune, good luck, fertile, rich in crops and fruits.” In ancient Roman culture, Felicitas is a condition of divinely inspired productivity, blessedness, or happiness. Felicitas could encompass both a woman’s fertility and a general’s luck or good fortune. The divine personification of Felicitas was cultivated as a goddess. Although “Felicitas” may be translated as “good luck,” and the goddess Felicitas shares some characteristics and attributes with Fortuna, the two were distinguished in Roman religion. 1) Marcus Antonius Felix was the Roman procurator of Iudaea Province, in succession to Ventidius Cumanus. Felix was the younger brother of the Greek freedman Marcus Antonius Pallas. 2) Felix of Nola was a Christian priest, revered as a saint by the Catholic Church.
He who is fortunate in life, He who is fortunate in life.
Female form of Felix, which is from the Latin meaning "lucky" or "fortunate".
This name derives from the Latin “fēlix,” meaning “happiness, good fortune, good luck, fertile, rich in crops and fruits.” In ancient Roman culture, Felicitas is a condition of divinely inspired productivity, blessedness, or happiness. Felicitas could encompass both a woman’s fertility and a general’s luck or good fortune. The divine personification of Felicitas was cultivated as a goddess. Although “Felicitas” may be translated as “good luck,” and the goddess Felicitas shares some characteristics and attributes with Fortuna, the two were distinguished in Roman religion. 1) Marcus Antonius Felix was the Roman procurator of Iudaea Province, in succession to Ventidius Cumanus. Felix was the younger brother of the Greek freedman Marcus Antonius Pallas. 2) Felix of Nola was a Christian priest, revered as a saint by the Catholic Church.
To spring up and develop.
Light, Rose from heaven, Most Beloved, Piece of one's being, Rose from heaven.
This name comes from the Latin root “flōs,” meaning “flower, blossom, (figuratively) innocence, virginity.” This name is linked to “flōrĕo / flōrens” (bloom, be in flower (figuratively) flourish, shine, prosper, be overjoyed). The term “flora,” was used since the 13th century, in the sense of “virginity.” Flōra in Roman mythology was the goddess of flowers, gardens, and spring and the guardian of the flora, an equivalent of the Greek Chlori. While she was otherwise a relatively minor figure in Roman mythology, being one among several fertility goddesses, her association with the spring gave her particular importance at the coming of springtime. Her festival, the Floralia, was held between April 28 and May 3 and symbolized the renewal of the cycle of life, drinking, and flowers.
An affectionate and quick minded individual, An affectionate and quick minded individual.