Page 6 Names Like Taysha

Showing 101 to 120 out of total 124 names like Taysha

One who is ful of laughter, One who is ful of laughter.
A short form of Leticia, which means "joy".
This name is a Polish diminutive and pet form of Dobroslaw, Dobrosław, Dobromir, Dobromier, and Dobromił. It is of Slavic origin and comes from the following roots: (DOBROSLAV) (DOBROMIR) and (DOBROMIL).
During the fifth-century AD, with the Christianization of ancient pagan names, it was decided to associate a new Latin translation to the newborn “Desiderius,” relating to the Latin “dēsīdĕrātus” (desired, wanted child, expected child), in fact, the Latin word “desideratus” is strongly linked to the verb “expĕto” (burning desire) from which the English word “waiting,” especially the waiting for the newborn. The name was also used in England during the Middle Ages, and was used until the 16th-century in vernacular forms such as “Disary, Dissery, Dyzary, and Dyzory.” The French form “Désirée” has been more successful, also as the equivalent of the name “Desideria,” although it is of a connected root but not the same. 1) Desideratus († 550) was a French saint in the Christian church from Soissons. Unusually, he came from a family of saints, as his father, Auginus, mother, Agia, and brother, Deodatus, were all canonized. The parents taught the two boys to care for the poor and to give away all of their material possessions to aid others. 2) Princess Désirée, Baroness Silfverschiöld (Désirée Elisabeth Sibylla; born 2 June 1938) is the third child of Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten, and Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and granddaughter of King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden.
This name derives from the Latin “decem,” meaning “ten,” from the Proto-Indo-European “*déḱm̥t.” Cognates include Ancient Greek déka (δέκα). Decimus is a Latin praenomen or personal name, usually abbreviated D. Although never especially common, Decimus was used throughout Roman history from the earliest times to the end of the Western Empire and beyond, surviving into modern times. The Latin personal name “Decimus,” means “the tenth born, or born in December,” which was initially given to the tenth child of the family or the tenth or youngest between ten members of the same family of the same name. 1) Decimus Carfulenus, called Carsuleius by Appianus, was a Roman statesman from the time of the Civil War to the Battle of Mutina, in which he perished. 2) Decimus Junius Brutus Callaicus (180–113 BC) was a consul of the Roman Republic for the year 138 BC, together with Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio.