Names Like Tahmeed

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 31 names like Tahmeed

Form of Demeter, which is from the Greek de, meaning "earth" and meter, meaning "mother".
The person who respects God, The person who respects God.
Form of Demeter, which is from the Greek de, meaning "earth" and meter, meaning "mother".
Praise of almighty Allah, Thanks to the graceful and merciful Allah, Praising allah saying al-hamdulillah.
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Tīmótheos (Τῑμόθεος),” composed of two elements: “tīmḗ (τῑμή) timáō (τιμάω)” (to pay honor to, to hold in honor, treat honorably, to honor, revere, worship, esteem) plus “theós (θεός)” (divine, a deity, a god, God). In turn, the name means “In God’s honor, honored by God, honoring God.” Saint Timothy was the first 1st-century Christian bishop of Ephesus, whom tradition relates died around AD 97. The New Testament indicates that Timothy traveled with Saint Paul, who was also his mentor. He is addressed as the recipient of the epistles to Timothy. It is a common name in several countries, including non-English speaking ones. Pope Timothy II of Alexandria was the Patriarch of Alexandria for the Orthodox Church and the pope to the Coptic Orthodox Church (457–477). He was elected and consecrated after the death of the exiled Dioscorus of Alexandria in 454 by the Miaphysite opponents of the Council of Chalcedon and immediately went into hiding.
Greek: Follower of Demeter.
A person who honours the God, A person who honours the God.
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Diomḗdēs (Διομήδης),” composed of two elements: “dîos (δῖος)” (heavenly, divine, noble) plus “mêdos (μῆδος) Mídomai (μήδομαι)” (counsel, plan, art, prudence, cunning). In turn, the name means “God-like cunning, advised by Zeus.” Diomedes is a hero in Greek mythology, known for his participation in the Trojan War. He was born to Tydeus and Deipyle and later became King of Argos, succeeding in his maternal grandfather, Adrastus. In Virgil’s Aeneid, he is one of the warriors who entered the Trojan horse shortly before the sack of Troy.
The English variant of the Old Greek name Timotheus, meaning "honouring God", from timao, meaning "to honor, to revere" and theos, meaning "God".
This name derives from the Aramaic “tūmā,” (Hebrew: te’oma), (Ancient Greek: Thōmâs ‘θωμᾶσ’), meaning “twin, double, (astrology) Gemini.” The given name of Thomas the apostle was Yehuda (Jude, Judas). Originally it was not a proper name but an epithet of a figure of the New Testament. In the New Testament, the name refers to “Judas Thomas,” the second Judas of the Apostles (hence his name of ‘twin’). The use as a name has its origin and becomes more common in the early Middle Ages, with significant carriers including Thomas the Presbyter (7th-century) and Thomas the Slav (8th-century).
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Diomḗdēs (Διομήδης),” composed of two elements: “dîos (δῖος)” (heavenly, divine, noble) plus “mêdos (μῆδος) Mídomai (μήδομαι)” (counsel, plan, art, prudence, cunning). In turn, the name means “God-like cunning, advised by Zeus.” Diomedes is a hero in Greek mythology, known for his participation in the Trojan War. He was born to Tydeus and Deipyle and later became King of Argos, succeeding in his maternal grandfather, Adrastus. In Virgil’s Aeneid, he is one of the warriors who entered the Trojan horse shortly before the sack of Troy.
Greek: Devoted to Demeter.