Names Like Ryndi

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 104 names like Ryndi

Welsh - Good Spear, Grand, A spelling variant of name Rhonda.
One who shows bravery in the battlefield, One who shows bravery in the battlefield.
Short form of Randolf or Randolph. Derived from a Germanic personal name combining rad, meaning "counsel" or rand, meaning "rim (of a shield)" and wulf, meaning "wolf".
A woman full of dignity.
Version of Renee, the feminine of Rene, the French form of Renatus. Comes from the Latin renascor, meaning "born again".
A reborn woman.
Scented, Fragrant tree, Good, A sweet smelling desert tree, scented tree.
One who is safe and protected.
A woman who was born again.
Latin - Born Again; Reborn; Rebirth; A variant of name Rene, Latin - Born Again, Reborn, Rebirth, A variant of name Rene.
Short form of Randolf or Randolph. Derived from a Germanic personal name combining rad, meaning "counsel" or rand, meaning "rim (of a shield)" and wulf, meaning "wolf".
This name derives from the Latin “renātus,” meaning “revived, renewed, having revived, born again,” which in turn derives from the Latin “nātus,” meaning “born.” It is a typically Christian name, which has been adopted by the newly baptized to emphasize their new birth in the renewed embraced faith. 1) Saint Renatus († 450) was bishop of Sorrento from 424 to 6 October 450; he is worshiped as a saint by the Catholic Church. 2) Saint René d’Angers was a French bishop, bishop of Angers in the 5th-century, and revered as a saint by the Catholic Church.
Renda is a diminutive form of Irenej, Renát, and Renat. The name is of Greek and Latin origin and comes from the following roots: (EIRḖNĒ) and (RENĀTUS).
This name derives from Old High German “Reginwald and Raginoald” Latinized as “Reginaldus,” composed of two elements: “*raginą” (decision, advice, counsel) plus “*waldaʐ” (ruler, might, mighty one, power, powerful one). In turn, the name means “the advice of the sovereign.” Raynald of Châtillon (Renaud de Châtillon, Old French: Reynaud de Chastillon), was a knight who served in the Second Crusade and remained in the Holy Land after its defeat. He ruled as Prince of Antioch from 1153 to 1160 and, through his second marriage, became Lord of Oultrejordain. He was an enormously controversial character in his lifetime and beyond.
German and Dutch version of Renee, the feminine of Rene, the French form of Renatus. Comes from the Latin renascor, meaning "born again".