Page 4 Names Like Quustyn

Showing 61 to 70 out of total 70 names like Quustyn

This name comes from the Latin superlative “Augustus” (sacred, holy, august, majestic, sublime, venerable, solemn) from “augĕo > augēre” (increase, develop, enlarge, strengthen, enhance). Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus) was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until he died in 14 AD). St. Augoustinos was bishop of Hippo Regius (present-day Annaba, Algeria). He was a Latin philosopher and theologian from the Africa Province of the Roman Empire and is generally considered as one of the greatest Christian thinkers of all time. Auguste Ferdinande of Austria, Princess of Bavaria (1825–1864), was the daughter of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and his first wife, Maria Anna of Saxony, and the wife of Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria. Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel (1797–1889) was the wife of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, the tenth-born child, and seventh son of George III of the United Kingdom and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Gusti means the staff of god or the person who is the part of that group who serves the god., Gusti means the staff of god or the person who is the part of that group who serves the god.