Page 4 Names Like Parae

Showing 61 to 69 out of total 69 names like Parae

This name derives from the Ancient Greek “pûr (πῦρ) Púrrhā (Πῠ́ρρᾱ),” meaning “flame-colored, red fire.” In Greek mythology, Pyrrha was the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora and wife of Deucalion. When Zeus decided to end the Bronze Age with the great deluge, Deucalion and his wife, Pyrrha, were the only survivors. Even though he was imprisoned, Prometheus, who could see the future and had foreseen the coming of this flood, told his son, Deucalion, to build an ark and, thus, they survived.
This name derives from Latin “Sperantia” from the root “spērāre (exspectō) > spērantia (exspectātio), meaning “hope, to hope.” The name spread thanks to the devotion to Our Lady of Hope. Our Lady of Hope is the title given to the Virgin Mary on her apparition at Pontmain, France, on January 17, 1871. Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity (Latin: Fides, Spes et Caritas, New Testament Greek: Πίστις, Ἐλπίς καὶ Ἀγάπη (Pistis, Elpis, and Agape), Church Slavonic: Вѣра, Надежда, Любы (Věra, Nadežda, Ljuby) are a group of Christian martyred saints.