Names Like Ottoh

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 25 names like Ottoh

A more modern form of the Germanic Odo, from od, "wealth", "fortune".
The superman among human being., The superman among human being.
A noble and famous warrior.
A strong willed and wealthy individual.
An assister of the religion or faith. One who assists in spreading the faith.
This name probably derives from the Ancient Germanic “otho,” from the Ancient Germanic “*audaz,” meaning “prosperity, fortune, riches, wealth, heiress” or from “*ōþ- > uodil,” meaning “One’s ancestral land, homeland, home, territory.” Audo and Odo were originally diminutives of all names beginning with the element “od-, ot-.” Otto, also spelled Othon (Greek: Ὄθων, βασιλεὺς τῆς Ἑλλάδος) (1815–1867), was a Bavarian prince who became the first modern king of Greece in 1832 under the convention of London. He reigned until his deposition in 1862. In 1832, Otto, Prince of Bavaria, was proclaimed king of Greece. He adopted the Greek spelling of his name, king Othon, as well as Greek national dress. One of his first tasks as king was to conduct a detailed archaeological and topographical survey of Athens, his new capital. He assigned Gustav Eduard Schaubert and Stamatios Kleanthis to complete this task. Saint Otto of Bamberg was a Medieval German bishop and missionary who, as papal legate, converted much of Pomerania to Christianity.
An individual who is rich and wealthy, An individual who is rich and wealthy.
This name derives from the Sanskrit “uday,” meaning “rise, ascend, to appear.” 1) Udayana, also known as Udayanācārya, was a very important Hindu logician of the tenth century who attempted to reconcile the views held by the two significant schools of logic (Nyaya and Vaisheshika). 2) Udayana Warmadewa was a king of the island of Bali in the 10th-century. 3) Udai Singh II (1522–1572) was the Maharana of Mewar and the founder of the city of Udaipur in the present-day Rajasthan state of India. He was the 53rd ruler of the Mewar Dynasty. He was the fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh (Rana Sanga) and Rani Karnavati, a princess of Bundi.
This name derives from the Sanskrit “uday,” meaning “rise, ascend, to appear.” 1) Udayana, also known as Udayanācārya, was a very important Hindu logician of the tenth century who attempted to reconcile the views held by the two significant schools of logic (Nyaya and Vaisheshika). 2) Udayana Warmadewa was a king of the island of Bali in the 10th-century. 3) Udai Singh II (1522–1572) was the Maharana of Mewar and the founder of the city of Udaipur in the present-day Rajasthan state of India. He was the 53rd ruler of the Mewar Dynasty. He was the fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh (Rana Sanga) and Rani Karnavati, a princess of Bundi.
The fourth manifestation of Lord Vishnu., The fourth manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
German: wealthy, prosperous.
The final or the end of salvation, where the person get relieved of all his duties.
This name derives from the Old Norse “oddr / oddi,” meaning “point, sharp point, peak, front ‘of an army,’ point ‘of a weapon,’ spear.” Oddr, the archer, or The saga of Oddr, the archer (Old Norse: Ǫrvar-Odds saga), is an Icelandic saga. The legend dates back to the end of the 13th-century and is believed to be the work of an Icelandic author. The oldest version(S) of the legend is preserved in a 14th-century code in the Royal Library in Stockholm and represents a copy of an earlier lost document.