Page 4 Names Like Nalle

Showing 61 to 80 out of total 230 names like Nalle

This given name derives from the Latin “cornĕus > cornēlĭus” (horn, horned, hard as the horn). The origin of the Cornelii is lost to history, but the name Cornelius may be formed from the hypothetical surname Cornĕus, meaning “horny,” that is, having thick or callused skin. The Cornelia family was one of the most distinguished Roman families and produced a more significant number of illustrious men than any other house in Rome. This family was a significant contributor to the highest offices of the Republic and contested for consulships with the Fabii and the Valerii from the 3rd century BC. Cornelia Scipionis Africana was the second daughter of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, the hero of the Second Punic War, and Aemilia Paulla.
Victor, overcomer, defeater, titleholder., Victor, overcomer, defeater, titleholder.
This name derives from the Proto-Celtic, Proto-Brythonic, and Breton “*windos / *gwindos / gwyn > Gwenaël,” meaning “blessed and generous, white, fair.” Saint Gwen Teirbron was a Breton holy woman and wife of Saint Fragan who supposedly lived in the 6th century. Her epithet is Welsh for ‘(of the) three breasts.’ Gwyn ap Nudd is a Welsh mythological figure, the king of the Tylwyth Teg or “fair folk” and ruler of the Welsh Otherworld, Annwn. Described as a great warrior with a “blackened face,” Gwyn is intimately associated with the otherworld in medieval Welsh literature and is associated with the international tradition of the Wild Hunt. Saint Winwaloe was the founder and first abbot of Landévennec Abbey (literally “Lann of Venec”), also known as the monastery of Winwaloe. It was just south of Brest in Brittany, now part of France.
The conquest or take over of the people., The conquest or take over of the people.
Enjoying or marked by joy or pleasure.
This name derives from the Old French “Noel,” variant “Nael,” from the Latin “nātālis (dĭēs),” meaning “day of birth, Christ’s birthday, Christmas Day,” which in turn derives from “nātīvĭtās,” meaning “birth, generation.” It is a name that derives from ethnic and religious tradition and is associated with December 25, the day of the birth of Christ. This name is found in many languages but is especially prevalent in French, Eastern Europe, and English speaking countries. Saint Natalia (Cordova, 852) was martyred in Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, during the persecution of the Moors, and is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. The variant Natalie was popularized in the United States by Natalie Wood (Natal’ ja Zacharenko) (1938–1981), an American film and television actress.
The one who has fair or pure shoulders.
The eternal God of Israel will never lie.
Follower, cup holder, victor, fighter.
Some thing special, Acquirer, Obtainer, One who succeeds.
NOALE, Noall, Noell. Cornish forms of Noel.