Names Like Morvan

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 39 names like Morvan

Marvin is a combination of the old English words maer and wine and means "famous/eminent friend".
Marvin is a combination of the old English words maer and wine and means "famous/eminent friend".
The oceanic mountain., The oceanic mountain.
A sea friend, A sea friend.
One who lives in the sea fortess, One who lives in the sea fortess.
Marvin is a combination of the old English words maer and wine and means "famous/eminent friend".
Child of the sea.
A brave person, A brave person.
This name is a combination (composed, blended name) of “Mary” and “Yvonne.” It is of Hebrew and Germanic origin and comes from the following roots: (MIRIAM) and (IVO).
This name derives from the Irish root “(māra rīganī-s > mór rígan)” and the Welsh root “(mor cant > morcant),” meaning “circle of the sea.” It was initially used exclusively for males and enjoyed good popularity in Wales in the Middle Ages. Since the 1980s, the United States has considerably spread its use by women, maybe due to the reputation of Morgan le Fay or the actress Morgan Fairchild. Morgan le Fay is a powerful sorceress in the Arthurian legend. Early works featuring Morgan do not elaborate her character beyond her role as a fay or magician. She became much more prominent in the later cyclical prose works such as the Lancelot-Grail and the Post-Vulgate Cycle, in which she becomes an antagonist to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. In Wales, however, is still considered only male (as with the name Meredith).
This name has been traced as Welsh origin but is still today quite uncertain. The meaning seems to be “marrow famous, eminent,” probably from “mer” (marrow) plus “myn” (eminent). Merfyn Frych was King of Gwynedd from around 825 to 844, the first of its kings known not to have descended from the male line of Cunedda. Precious little is known of Merfyn’s reign. Thornton suggests that Merfyn was probably among the Welsh kings who were defeated by Ecgberht, king of Wessex, in the year 830, but it is unknown how this affected Merfyn’s rule.
This name has been traced as Welsh origin but is still today quite uncertain. The meaning seems to be “marrow famous, eminent,” probably from “mer” (marrow) plus “myn” (eminent). Merfyn Frych was King of Gwynedd from around 825 to 844, the first of its kings known not to have descended from the male line of Cunedda. Precious little is known of Merfyn’s reign. Thornton suggests that Merfyn was probably among the Welsh kings who were defeated by Ecgberht, king of Wessex, in the year 830, but it is unknown how this affected Merfyn’s rule.