Names Like Morgwyn

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 37 names like Morgwyn

From the Old Welsh Morcant, possibly from mor, "sea", and cant, "circle".
This name derives from the Irish root “(māra rīganī-s > mór rígan)” and the Welsh root “(mor cant > morcant),” meaning “circle of the sea.” It was initially used exclusively for males and enjoyed good popularity in Wales in the Middle Ages. Since the 1980s, the United States has considerably spread its use by women, maybe due to the reputation of Morgan le Fay or the actress Morgan Fairchild. Morgan le Fay is a powerful sorceress in the Arthurian legend. Early works featuring Morgan do not elaborate her character beyond her role as a fay or magician. She became much more prominent in the later cyclical prose works such as the Lancelot-Grail and the Post-Vulgate Cycle, in which she becomes an antagonist to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. In Wales, however, is still considered only male (as with the name Meredith).
A girl dwells from the sea-area.
From the Old Welsh Morcant, possibly from mor, "sea", and cant, "circle".
A feminine form of Morgan, from the Old Welsh Morcant, possibly from mor, "sea", and cant, "circle".
A Great emperor queen. The Goddess of death and war.
A place name, a neighborhood of the City of New Orleance.
From the Old Welsh Morcant, possibly from mor, "sea", and cant, "circle".
This name means “consecrated to the god Mars, god of war, dedicated to Mars.” The name derives from the Latin praenomen “Marcus” derived from “Mars,” the Roman god of war, originally Mavors, which in turn derives from the Proto Indo-European root “*Māwort-,” probably reconstructed from the Indian (Sanskrit: Marutas), a given name of ancient Roman Pre-Christian origin. It is referring to the mythological figure Mars because Mars was identified as the Roman god of war. The name ‘Mars’ can be taken by extension to refer to the deity Ares in the ancient Greek pantheon. Marcus developed as a patronymic or locational surname in Italy, southern France, and Spain around 1000 AD, traceable to religious monasteries and sanctuaries called Sanctus Marcus (or its many variants). Mark the Evangelist is the traditional author of the Gospel of Mark. He is one of the Seventy Disciples, founder of the Church of Alexandria, one of the four main original episcopal seats of Christianity. Martis dies in Latin is the second day of the week for some cultures and in honor of the god Mars.
A radiant of dazzling sea.
From the Old Welsh Morcant, possibly from mor, "sea", and cant, "circle".