Page 2 Names Like Mons

Showing 21 to 40 out of total 97 names like Mons

This name derives from the Hebrew “Mənaššé > menashsheh,” meaning “causing to forget.” 1) The eldest son of Joseph and progenitor of the tribe of Manasseh. 1B) The tribe descended from Manasseh. 1C) The territory occupied by the tribe of Manasseh. 2) Son of king Hezekiah of Judah; he was the immediate and direct cause for the exile. 3) A descendant of Pahath-Moab, who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra. 4) A descendant of Hashum who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra.
Intellectual or spiritual endeavour, Another name for Goddess Saraswati.
He who is the greatest.
Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Latin Manus is translated as hand, Insight, Cheerfulness, One who has a powerful mind.
A bright light in the darkness or the dark times, A bright light in the darkness or the dark times.
Of uncertain origin, possibly from the Latin monere, "to warn, councel, advice", but more likely from unknown North African or Phoenician origins.
A desire for something, one who wish, A desire for something, one who wish.
God is with us, God is with us.
Clean, Pure.
one who warn or notify others, one who warn or notify others.
The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include: 1) From the Latin “moneō,” which in turn derives from the Proto-Italic “*moneō,” meaning “warn, advise, remind.” 2) From the Ancient Greek “mónos (μόνος),” meaning “unique, alone, nun, solitary, hermit.” 3) An ancient name of North African origin whose etymology is unknown. The first reference to the name is found in the ancient numerical inscriptions. Numidia (202–46 BC) was an ancient Berber kingdom in modern-day Algeria and a smaller part of western Tunisia in North Africa. The name might include a reference to the ancient Libyan god “mon,” from Egyptian mythology “Amon” king of the gods. Saint Monica (AD 331–387) was the mother of Augustine of Hippo; she is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, which commemorates her on 27 August. Of Berber ethnicity, she was born into a profoundly Christian family with the right economic conditions. She was allowed to study and took advantage of it to read the “Bible” and meditate on it. Famous Christian legends recall Saint Monica weeping every night for her son Augustine.