Names Like Mihn

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 168 names like Mihn

A short form of Wilhelmina, a feminine form of Wilhelm, from the German elements wil "wil" and helm "helmet".
Mona is an Anglicised version of the Irish Muadhnait, from muadh, "noble", and means "little noble one".
A Scottish short form of names ending with -mina.
A Teutonic name, meaning: A warrior.
The one who shows right path to others.
This name derives from the Polynesian and Māori “Moana,” meaning “oceanic, large body of water.” A poetic name for the Pacific Ocean is Te moana nui a Kiwa (The great ocean of Kiwa). Kiwa's first wife, in some of these legends, was Parawhenuamea, ancestor of brooks that flow from the land to the sea and of fresh water generally. Kiwa's second wife was "Hinemoana" (Ocean woman), a personification of the sea.
Manuel is a short form of Emmanuel, with Hebrew origin, and means "God with us".
This name derives from the Old English “mōna” (dating from before 725), and ultimately stems from the Proto-Germanic “*mǣnōn”. The English noun month and its cognates in other Germanic languages stem from Proto-Germanic “*mǣnṓth-“, which is connected to the above mentioned Proto-Germanic “*mǣnōn”, indicating the usage of a lunar calendar among the Germanic peoples (Germanic calendar) before the adoption of a solar calendar. The modern meaning of “moon” is a synonym of beauty, brilliance, and splendor. The English “Monday” is an interpretation of Latin “lunae dies (day of the moon)”.
A German name from the Germanic minna, meaning "love", "care". Also a short form of Wilhelmina.
Precious stone, fish.
A bright person, intelligent one, a clever person.
The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include: 1) From the Latin “moneō,” which in turn derives from the Proto-Italic “*moneō,” meaning “warn, advise, remind.” 2) From the Ancient Greek “mónos (μόνος),” meaning “unique, alone, nun, solitary, hermit.” 3) An ancient name of North African origin whose etymology is unknown. The first reference to the name is found in the ancient numerical inscriptions. Numidia (202–46 BC) was an ancient Berber kingdom in modern-day Algeria and a smaller part of western Tunisia in North Africa. The name might include a reference to the ancient Libyan god “mon,” from Egyptian mythology “Amon” king of the gods. Saint Monica (AD 331–387) was the mother of Augustine of Hippo; she is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, which commemorates her on 27 August. Of Berber ethnicity, she was born into a profoundly Christian family with the right economic conditions. She was allowed to study and took advantage of it to read the “Bible” and meditate on it. Famous Christian legends recall Saint Monica weeping every night for her son Augustine.
Precious blue stone, Fish, Jewel (Wife of the himalayas), The divinity who represents motherhood.
Psychic gifts.
Harmony, joy, happiness, Harmony, joy, happiness.
The lord is with you.