Page 3 Names Like Martain

Showing 41 to 45 out of total 45 names like Martain

From the Valley with the Pool; An English Surname from location, From the Valley with the Pool, An English Surname from location.
This name derives from the Latin superlative praenomen “Martinus,” meaning “son of Mars, a descendant of Mars,” derived from “Mars,” the Roman god of war, called initially “Mavors,” which in turn derives from the Pie (Proto Indo-European) root “*Māwort-,” probably reconstructed from the Indian (Sanskrit: Marutas). The name is widespread during the Middle Ages in the Christian era, thanks to St. Martin of Tours’ devotion. Martin of Tours was a Bishop of Tours. His shrine in France became a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Around his name, much legendary material accrued, and he has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints.