Page 2 Names Like Maleigh

Showing 21 to 26 out of total 26 names like Maleigh

It is a common Slavic female name. It is the feminine form of the male name Milan. Originally was a diminutive of several names beginning or ending from the element “milŭ (милъ) mil (мил),” meaning “kind, dear, nice, pleasant, loving, gracious, gentle, mild,” such as Miloslava, Bohumila, Bogomila, and Milorada. It is of Slavic origin and comes from the following roots: (MIL) (MILOSLAV) (BOGUMIL) and (MILORAD).
The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include: 1) a combination (composed, blended name) of “Maria” from the Hebrew “Maryâm / Miryâm” plus “Ilva,” from the Etruscan and Ligures (Ilvati) root “ilva > ilba > helba.” 2) From the Latin “milvus,” meaning “sparrow hawk, kite, rapacious, cupid person.” Milvius pons (Milvian bridge), from the Latin “Molvius, Molviă, Molvium, “was the bridge over the Tiber where Constantine defeated Maxentius. The meaning could be “sparrowhawk bridge.”