Names Like Loraleen

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 22 names like Loraleen

A woman who is an enchantness.
Temptress, an enchanting woman.
Laurel tree, symbol of honor and victory.
This name means “Laurel, from the place of laurel trees, laurel branch, laurel wreath.” The Laurel tree was sacred to the god Apollo and is a symbol of wisdom and glory. The name Laura and its variants are derived from the “bay laurel plant,” which was used as a symbol of victory, honor, or fame in the Greco-Roman era. In British North America, Laura’s name was likely trendy for female newborns until its rapid decline starting in the late 19th-century. The name Laura was among the top 40 names for female newborns for much of the late 19th-century in the United States until it dropped off the chart in 1899 at #43. Saint Laura of Cordoba (Spanish: Santa Laura de Córdoba) († 864) was a Spanish Christian who lived in Muslim Spain during the 9th-century. The Blessed Laura Vicuña (1891–1904) is a Chilean holy figure canonized as blessed by the Roman Catholic Church. She is the patron of abuse victims. Saints Florus and Laurus are venerated as Christian martyrs of the 2nd-century. According to a Greek tale, they were twin brothers who worked as stonemasons.
This name means “Laurel, from the place of laurel trees, laurel branch, laurel wreath.” The Laurel tree was sacred to the god Apollo and is a symbol of wisdom and glory. The name Laura and its variants are derived from the “bay laurel plant,” which was used as a symbol of victory, honor, or fame in the Greco-Roman era. In British North America, Laura’s name was likely trendy for female newborns until its rapid decline starting in the late 19th-century. The name Laura was among the top 40 names for female newborns for much of the late 19th-century in the United States until it dropped off the chart in 1899 at #43. Saint Laura of Cordoba (Spanish: Santa Laura de Córdoba) († 864) was a Spanish Christian who lived in Muslim Spain during the 9th-century. The Blessed Laura Vicuña (1891–1904) is a Chilean holy figure canonized as blessed by the Roman Catholic Church. She is the patron of abuse victims. Saints Florus and Laurus are venerated as Christian martyrs of the 2nd-century. According to a Greek tale, they were twin brothers who worked as stonemasons.
A laurel wreath or a tree.
A woman whose beautiful song leads man to destrucion.
Latin name describing blossoming flower.
Land of the valley of the singing God.