Page 2 Names Like Lively

Showing 21 to 25 out of total 25 names like Lively

This name derives from the Old High German “Chlodowich and Chlodovech,” composed of two elements: “*hlūdaz,” meaning (to hear, loud, sound, noise / famous) and “wīg,” meaning (fight, battle, fighter, able to fight). The name means “glorious in the battle, famous warrior.” 1) Saint Louise de Marillac was the co-founder, with St. Vincent de Paul, of the Daughters of Charity. She is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. 2) The Blessed Louise of Savoy (1461–1503) was a member of the French royal family, who gave up a life of privilege and comfort to become a Poor Clare nun. The Roman Catholic Church has beatified her.