Page 4 Names Like Lat

Showing 61 to 80 out of total 139 names like Lat

Hebrew, Akkadian, Latin: Weary, voyager, happy, blazing star.
One who is like a flower of the prairie.
A girl with little wings.
Our Lady of Lourdes is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary invoked by Roman Catholics in honor of the Marian apparitions. Gascon Occitan: Lorda or Lourde, is a commune in the Hautes-Pyrénées department in the Midi-Pyrénées region in south-western France. Following the reports that Our Lady of Lourdes had appeared to Bernadette Soubirous on a total of eighteen occasions, Lourdes has developed into a significant place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage and miraculous healings. The 150th Jubilee of the first apparition took place on 11 February 2008 with an outdoor mass attended by approximately 45,000 pilgrims.
This name derives from Old High German Adalhaid / Adalhaidis, composed of two elements: “*aþalaz” (noble, nobleman, aristocratic, eminent, glorious, excellent one) plus “*haiduz” (kind, sort, appearance, personality, character, manner, path). In turn, the name means “noble kind, of the noble sort.” Some forms, such as Adel or Heide, represents the pet form of names ending in “-heid” (often Adelheid) or beginning with “Heid- / Heide-.” Adelaide of Saxony-Meiningen (1792–1849) was Queen Consort of the United Kingdom from 1830 to 1837 as the wife of William IV of Hanover. She was the eldest daughter of George I of Saxony-Meiningen, and his wife, Luisa Eleonora of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Adelaide of Italy (931–999), also called Adelaide of Burgundy, was the second wife of Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great. He was crowned as the Holy Roman Empress with him by Pope John XII in Rome on February 2, 962.
The one who embarks on an adventure, The one who embarks on an adventure.
Lito is a diminutive of Arturo and Manuel. The name is of (Latin), (Celtic), (Breton), (Greek) and Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots: (ARKTOÚROS) and (IMANU'ÉL).
Lotte is a short form of Charlotte, the French feminine pet form of Charles, from the Germanic Karl, meaning "man", as "free man".
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “eleútheros (ἐλεύθερος) Eleuthérios (Ελευθέριος),” meaning “free, the liberator.” This name has been used as an epithet for Dionysus, for his ability to free men through the experience of ecstasy, as well as for Eros. Pope Saint Eleuterus, or Eleutherius, was Bishop of Rome from about 174 to 189. He was born in Nicopolis in Epirus. The name has been used by several saints in different parts of Europe and is recognized by the Catholic and Orthodox Church.
This name derives from the Germanic (Goths) “*amal / ama-l,” meaning “work, vigor, courage, brave, bold, diligent, Amali dynasty.” The Amali (the tribe of the Amaler), also called Amals or Amalings, were the leading dynasty of the Goths, a Germanic people who confronted the Roman Empire in its declining years in the west. According to Gothic legend, the Amali was descended from an ancient hero whose deeds earned him the epithet of Amala or “mighty.”