Names Like Larenz

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 39 names like Larenz

A different spelling of Laurence, from the Latin Laurentius, meaning "from Laurentus" (a town in ancient Italy).
Italian form of Laurence, from a Roman family name, Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum".
A female who came from Italian city Laurentum.
A different spelling of Laurence, from the Latin Laurentius, meaning "from Laurentus" (a town in ancient Italy).
A different spelling of Laurence, from the Latin Laurentius, meaning "from Laurentus" (a town in ancient Italy).
One who is from the city Laurentum, One who is from the city Laurentum.
Lorenz is the German form of Laurence, from a Roman family name, Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum".
Italian form of Laurence, from a Roman family name, Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum".
A person who comes from the place of Laurel leaves, A person who comes from the place of Laurel leaves.
A Dutch form of Laurence, from the Latin Laurentum, in the name context meaning "from Laurentum".
This name derives from the Latin “Laurentum” (wreathed/crowned with laurel), which in turn derives from “laurus,” meaning “laurel, from the place of laurel trees, laurel branch, laurel wreath.” Laurentum was an ancient Roman city of Latium situated between Ostia and Lavinium, on the west coast of the Italian Peninsula southwest of Rome. Laurence (Laurentius) was the second Archbishop of Canterbury from about 604 to 619. He was a member of the Gregorian mission sent from Italy to England to Christianize the Anglo-Saxons from their native Anglo-Saxon paganism, although the date of his arrival is disputed. San Lorenzo “St. Lawrence” is also linked to the night of the falling stars.
This name derives from the Latin “Laurentum” (wreathed/crowned with laurel), which in turn derives from “laurus,” meaning “laurel, from the place of laurel trees, laurel branch, laurel wreath.” Laurentum was an ancient Roman city of Latium situated between Ostia and Lavinium, on the west coast of the Italian Peninsula southwest of Rome. Laurence (Laurentius) was the second Archbishop of Canterbury from about 604 to 619. He was a member of the Gregorian mission sent from Italy to England to Christianize the Anglo-Saxons from their native Anglo-Saxon paganism, although the date of his arrival is disputed. San Lorenzo “St. Lawrence” is also linked to the night of the falling stars.
A person who comes from the place of lime trees, A person who comes from the place of lime trees.
This name derives from the Latin “Laurentum” (wreathed/crowned with laurel), which in turn derives from “laurus,” meaning “laurel, from the place of laurel trees, laurel branch, laurel wreath.” Laurentum was an ancient Roman city of Latium situated between Ostia and Lavinium, on the west coast of the Italian Peninsula southwest of Rome. Laurence (Laurentius) was the second Archbishop of Canterbury from about 604 to 619. He was a member of the Gregorian mission sent from Italy to England to Christianize the Anglo-Saxons from their native Anglo-Saxon paganism, although the date of his arrival is disputed. San Lorenzo “St. Lawrence” is also linked to the night of the falling stars.
From the place of the laurel trees, From the place of the laurel trees.