Names Like Jalind

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 21 names like Jalind

deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status.
From the Greek ion "violet" and anthos "flower".
This name derives from Old High German “Sieglinde,” composed of two elements: “*seʒiz / sigis” (victory) and “linþia” (weak, soft, tender, mild / lime-tree, linden tree / protective shield of linden wood), meaning “the shield, the protection which defends our victory.” Sieglinde Wagner was an Austrian operatic contralto, who could also sing mezzo-soprano roles. In 1947, she made her debut at the Vienna State Opera. Two years later, she was hired by Wilhelm Furtwängler to sing in The Magic Flute at the Salzburg Festival. After this successful collaboration, Furtwängler signed her to sing Floßhilde and Grimgerde in Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen at La Scala.
This name derives from Old High German “Sieglinde,” composed of two elements: “*seʒiz / sigis” (victory) and “linþia” (weak, soft, tender, mild / lime-tree, linden tree / protective shield of linden wood), meaning “the shield, the protection which defends our victory.” Sieglinde Wagner was an Austrian operatic contralto, who could also sing mezzo-soprano roles. In 1947, she made her debut at the Vienna State Opera. Two years later, she was hired by Wilhelm Furtwängler to sing in The Magic Flute at the Salzburg Festival. After this successful collaboration, Furtwängler signed her to sing Floßhilde and Grimgerde in Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen at La Scala.
Purple, Hebrew - Jehovah is God, Joelle is God Will Be Willing, Violet Flower.
This name is of Ancient Greek origin, composed of two elements: “Íon (Ίον) Iólē (Ῐ̓όλη)” (violet, purple) plus “ánthos (ἄνθος)” (flower, blossom, bloom, peak, brightness, brilliance). In turn, the name means “violet, purple flower.” Blessed Yolanda of Poland (1235–1298) was the daughter of King Béla IV of Hungary and Maria Laskarina. She was the sister of Saint Margaret of Hungary and Saint Kinga (Cunegunda). One of her paternal aunts was the great Franciscan saint, Elizabeth of Hungary. The name Jolánka is also used by the writer András Dugonics for the heroine of his 1804 novel “Jólánka Etelkának Leánya.” In addition to being based on the name Iolanda it could also come from the word “jóleán,” meaning “good girl.” Iole, which is somehow linked to the name, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of Eurytus, king of the city Oechalia.
The origin of this name is still quite uncertain today. The theories include: A) From the Late Latin “Iūlius,” meaning “youth, youthful, juvenile.” B) A supreme god from the Latin and Proto Indo-European “*djew > iou-pater > Juppĭtĕr.” Jupiter is the King of the Gods and the God of sky and thunder in Roman Religion. C) From the Ancient Greek “Íoulos (ἴουλος),” meaning “haired, bearded, downy-bearded.” The Roman and the standard meaning is “sacred to Jupiter.” The gens Julia or Iulia was one of the most ancient Patrician families in ancient Rome. Members of the gens attained the highest dignities of the state in the earliest times of the republic. Iūlius is the fifth month of the Roman calendar. The month was renamed in honor of Gaius Julius Caesar after his death and deification, as he was born in this month. In republican Rome, the month was formally known as Quintilis, “fifth.” 1) Julius Caesar (100–44 BC) was a Roman general, statesman, Consul, and notable author of Latin prose. 2) Saint Giulia Salzano (1846–1929) was the founder of the Congregation of the Catechetical Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1905. The feast day is traditionally celebrated on May 17.