Names Like Inneke

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 26 names like Inneke

A short form of Ingeborg, and other names beginning in Ing. From Ing, the name of the Old Norse god of fertility.
Little earth, Dimunitive for the earth.
This name derives from the old medieval Basque “enneco,” composed of two elements: “ene” (my) plus “ko” (“little,” diminutive suffix). The name means “my little dear.” Saint Íñigo of Oña (Catalan: Énnec, Basque: Eneko) († 1057) was the Benedictine abbot of San Salvador At Oña. He was canonized in 1259 by pope alexander IV and is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, where his feast day is 1 June. He is the patron saint of Calatayud. Ignatius of Loyola was named after him.
A form of Ignatius, from the Roman name Egnatius, which is from the Latin ignis, meaning "fire".
Foremost one.
This name derives from the Old Norse God “Yngvi”, the form of the Germanic god’s name (*Ingwa / *Ingwi / *Ingu) plus “*berganą / *burgz” (to take care, to preserve, to protect, to save, to help, to rescue / fortification, stronghold, fortified city, castle). Ingwi is an essential mythological Germanic figure which appears to have been the older name for the god “Freyr,” one of the most important gods of old-Norse paganism, sometimes referred to as Yngvi-Freyr, (god of beauty and fertility). 1) Ingebjørg Guttormsdatter (12th-century) was a medieval Norwegian Queen consort and spouse of King Eystein I of Norway (Øystein Magnusson). 2) Ingeborg of Denmark (1175–1236) was a French queen. She was a daughter of Valdemar I of Denmark and Sofia of Minsk, and wife of Philip II of France. 3) Princess Ingeborg Magnusdotter of Sweden, (1277–1319) was a Danish queen consort, daughter of King Magnus III of Sweden, and wife of King Eric VI of Denmark.
Romanian form of John, meaning Yahweh is gracious., Romanian form of John, meaning Yahweh is gracious.
The Basque form of the name Ignatius or possibly derived from the old Basque name Ennecus.
It is the short form of names beginning with the element “ing-,” such as Ingrid, Ingeborg, Ingvild and Ingeberg. The name derives from the Old Norse God “yngvi,” the form of the Germanic god’s name (*ingwa / *ingwi / *ingu). Ingwi is an essential mythological Germanic figure which appears to have been the older name for the god Freyr, is one of the most important gods of Old-Norse paganism sometimes referred to as Yngvi-Freyr, (god of beauty and fertility), for this is a significant link between the two mythologies. The Inga people are an indigenous ethnic group from the southwest region of Colombia. They speak a dialect of Quechua known as Inga Kichwa.
This name derives from the native American (Eskimo-Aleut, Greenlandic) “Inuk (ᐃᓄᒃ),” from “Inuktitut (ᐃᓄᐃᑦ), meaning “human being, man, a person.” Inuk (plural: Inuit) refers to amember of one of the several indigenous peoples from the Arctic who descended from the Thule. The Thule or proto-Inuit were the ancestors of all modern Inuit. They developed in coastal Alaska by AD 1000 and expanded eastwards across Canada, reaching Greenland by the 13th century.
A Scandinavian name, meaning: The mythical ancestor of all Swed­ish kings.