Names Like Hashim

Showing 1 to 17 out of total 17 names like Hashim

From the Arabic hisham, meaning "generous".
Thank God (literally, "Blessed be God")., Thank God (literally, "Blessed be God").
generous, generous.
Generosity, Prophets grandfather, Decisive, Generosity, kindness, with a bright heart.
This name derives from the Arabic name “Hišām,” meaning “generous,” which in turn derives from “hašama,” meaning “mash, crush.” 1) Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (691–743) was the 10th Umayyad caliph who ruled from 724 until his death in 743. When he was born in 691, his mother named him after her father. 2) Hisham I or Hisham Al-Reda was the second Umayyad Emir of Cordoba, ruling from 788 to 796 in al-Andalus. Hisham was born April, 26 757, in Cordoba. He was the first son of Abd al-Rahman I and his wife, Halul, and the younger half brother of Suleiman.
This name derives from the Arabic name “Hišām,” meaning “generous,” which in turn derives from “hašama,” meaning “mash, crush.” 1) Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (691–743) was the 10th Umayyad caliph who ruled from 724 until his death in 743. When he was born in 691, his mother named him after her father. 2) Hisham I or Hisham Al-Reda was the second Umayyad Emir of Cordoba, ruling from 788 to 796 in al-Andalus. Hisham was born April, 26 757, in Cordoba. He was the first son of Abd al-Rahman I and his wife, Halul, and the younger half brother of Suleiman.
Hew'-sham. The third king of Edom. Gen. xxxvi. 34.
This name derives from the Arabic name “Hišām,” meaning “generous,” which in turn derives from “hašama,” meaning “mash, crush.” 1) Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (691–743) was the 10th Umayyad caliph who ruled from 724 until his death in 743. When he was born in 691, his mother named him after her father. 2) Hisham I or Hisham Al-Reda was the second Umayyad Emir of Cordoba, ruling from 788 to 796 in al-Andalus. Hisham was born April, 26 757, in Cordoba. He was the first son of Abd al-Rahman I and his wife, Halul, and the younger half brother of Suleiman.
Name of Prophet Mohammed's grandfather, Name of Prophet Mohammed's grandfather.
This name means “respect, honor” in African (Swahili) language.