Names Like Floreana

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 26 names like Floreana

A feminine form of the Roman name Florentius, which was from the Latin word florens, meaning "blossoming, flourishing".
A variant form of 'florence' to signify blooming or blossoming.
A German form of the Roman name Florentius, which was either from the Latin word florens, meaning "blossoming, flourishing" or flos, meaning "flower".
Valiant, Valiant.
This name derives from the Latin “vălēre > vălĕrĭus” which in turn derives from the Italic (Sabine) “volesus / volusus,” meaning “to be strong, be healthy, strong, vigorous and brave.” The holy women martyrs Kyriake, Kaleria (Valeria), and Mary lived in Palestinian Caesarea during the persecution under Diocletian in the 3rd-century. Having received instruction in the Christian Faith, they abandoned paganism, settled in a solitary place, and spent their lives in prayer, imploring the Lord that the persecution against Christians would end after the Faith of Christ would shine throughout the entire world. Valerian, also known as Valerian, the Elder, was Roman Emperor from 253 to 259. He was taken captive by Persian king Shapur I after the Battle of Edessa, becoming the only Roman Emperor who was captured as a prisoner of war, causing instability in the Empire.
The stage of blooming and comes from the Latin word 'Florence'.
A feminine form of the Roman name Florentius, which was from the Latin word florens, meaning "blossoming, flourishing".
A feminine form of the Roman name Florentius, which was from the Latin word florens, meaning "blossoming, flourishing".
A variation of the word 'florence' which means to flower.
Diminutive of Latin Fiore, it means a flower, Diminutive of Latin Fiore, it means a flower.
Walk with glory, Walk with glory.
This name comes from the Latin root “flōs > Flōrĭānus,” meaning “flower, blossom, (figuratively) innocence, virginity.” This name is linked to “flōrĕo / flōrens” (bloom, be in flower (figuratively) flourish, shine, prosper, be overjoyed). The term “flora” was used since the 13th- century in the sense of “virginity.” Flōra in Roman mythology was the goddess of flowers, gardens, and spring and the guardian of the flora, an equivalent of the Greek Chlori. While she was otherwise a relatively minor figure in Roman mythology, being one among several fertility goddesses, her association with the spring gave her particular importance at the coming of springtime. Her festival, the Floralia, was held between April 28 and May 3 and symbolized the renewal of the cycle of life, drinking, and flowers.
This name comes from the Latin root “flōs,” meaning “flower, blossom, (figuratively) innocence, virginity.” This name is linked to “flōrĕo / flōrens” (bloom, be in flower (figuratively) flourish, shine, prosper, be overjoyed). The term “flora,” was used since the 13th century, in the sense of “virginity.” Flōra in Roman mythology was the goddess of flowers, gardens, and spring and the guardian of the flora, an equivalent of the Greek Chlori. While she was otherwise a relatively minor figure in Roman mythology, being one among several fertility goddesses, her association with the spring gave her particular importance at the coming of springtime. Her festival, the Floralia, was held between April 28 and May 3 and symbolized the renewal of the cycle of life, drinking, and flowers.