Page 4 Names Like Dock

Showing 61 to 80 out of total 173 names like Dock

This name derives from the Latin name “Cōstantīnus,” taken in turn from the original “con- stō > cōnstō > cōnstāns,” meaning “standstill, steady, solid, firm, steady, resolute, tenacious, determined.” Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus) was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. Well known for being the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed tolerance of all religions throughout the empire. Constantine was a minor king in 6th-century sub-Roman Britain, who was remembered in later British tradition as a legendary King of Britain.
The noble one; filled with radiance and light, The noble one, filled with radiance and light.
She who is righteous.
This name means “highly praiseworthy” and derives from the root “Antōnius,” a Gens (Roman family name) to which (Marcus Antonius) belonged. That name initially came from the Etruscan language. Its use as a Christian name was due to the worship of 1) Saint Anthony, a Christian saint from Egypt and a prominent leader among the Desert Fathers who is venerated by Eastern Orthodox Church, Coptic Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, and the Coptic Catholic Church. 2) Anthony of Padua (Anthony of Lisbon), a Portuguese Catholic priest and friar of the Franciscan Order. Though he died in Padua, he was born and raised in a wealthy family in Lisbon. Noted by his contemporaries for his forceful preaching and expert knowledge of scripture, he was the second-fastest canonized saint and was declared a Doctor of the Church.
Daylight; first thing of the morning, Daylight, first thing of the morning.
A trumpet, A trumpet.
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “tunkhánō (τυγχάνω) túkhē (τῠ́χη),” meaning “to happen, fortune, good fortune, luck, hitting the mark, success, providence, fate, chance.” Tyche was the presiding tutelary deity that governed the fortune and prosperity of a city, its destiny. She is the daughter of Aphrodite and Zeus or Hermes. Tyche appears on many coins of the Hellenistic period in the three centuries before the Christian era, especially from the Aegean cities. 2) Tychon is the name of two minor deities in Greek mythology. One was a daemon of fertility, especially male fertility, associated with Phales, Priapus, and his mother, Aphrodite. He and his companions Orthanês and Konisalos were associated with Dionysos or the Hermai (phallic statues of Hermes). Tycho was bishop of Amathous in the fifth century and is revered by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church as a saint.