Names Like Angi

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 36 names like Angi

English and Italian form of the Greek word angelos, meaning "messenger" and used to describe a heavenly being with wings or a messenger from God.
Anja is a Scandinavian and Slav form of "Anna", from the Hebrew hanna, meaning "grace".
Younger brother, Younger Brother, One who is younger or born later.
Spanish form of the name Anna, from the Hebrew Hanna meaning "favoured" or from the Latin meaning "grace".
An angel who is inspirational and idealistic.
One who lives in heart, Beloved, They are eternal strange love sent from heaven and are a blessing.
This name derives from the Old Norse “*arnu- > Arn-,” meaning “eagle.” In turn, this name derives from the Proto-Germanic “*arô.” The name represents a pet form or a short form of names beginning with the element “arn-.” The eagle is a symbol of strength and death in Norse mythology. The eagle was also an image of the battle-field, for it often ate at the dead bodies. An eagle was one of the three birds of Odin; the other two were ravens, who was the god of death, among other things. Odin is often pictured with an eagle. He occasionally took on the form of an eagle, as did other gods and giants. An eagle also sat on the topmost branches of “Yggdrasil,” the World Tree, where it flapped its wings and created the winds in Midgard, the world of humans.
Continuous, Younger sister, Feminine of Anuj, the younger sister.
This name derives from the Latin form of the Greek name “Ánna (Ἄννα)” from the Hebrew name “Channâh > Ḥannāh,” meaning “graciousness, he was gracious, showed favor.” Hannah, also occasionally transliterated as Channah or Ḥannāh, is Elkanah’s wife mentioned in Samuel’s Books. According to the Hebrew Bible, she was the mother of Samuel. Saint Anne was traditionally the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary, which accounts for its extensive use and popularity among Christians. The name has also been used for numerous saints and queens. The mid-7th century King Anna of East Anglia was one such male Anna. Anna is in extensive use in countries across the world as are its variants Anne, initially a French version of the name, though in use in English speaking countries for hundreds of years, and Ann, which was initially the English spelling.
Unconquerable, Unbeatable, Unbeatable, Unconquerable, Invincible, Unattainable.
English and Italian form of the Greek word angelos, meaning "angel" or "messenger".
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Andréas (Ἀνδρέας),” which in turn derives from “anḗr (ἀνήρ) andrós (ἀνδρός),” meaning “man, adult male, husband.” In turn, the name means “manly and strong, courageous and warrior.” He was the first Apostle in the New Testament. It is traditionally popular because, according to the Christian Bible, Saint Andrew was one of the earliest disciples of Jesus and one of the twelve Apostles. Andrew the Apostle (6 BC–60 AD), called in the Orthodox tradition Prōtoklētos, or the First-called, is a Christian Apostle and the brother of Saint Peter. Like other Greek names, the name “Andrew” appears to have been common among the Jews, Christians, and other Hellenized people of the region. No Hebrew or Aramaic name is recorded for him. According to Orthodox tradition, the apostolic successor to Saint Andrew is Patriarch Bartholomew I.
This name means “angel, messenger, the messenger of God.” Saint Angelus (Italian: Sant’Angelo) (1185–1220) was one of the Carmelite Order’s early members, who suffered martyrdom for the Faith at Leocata, Sicily. The story of his life, as it has come down, is not very reliable. It may be summarized as follows: His parents were Jews of Jerusalem who were converted to Christianity by a vision of our Lady. In Greek mythology, Angelos was a daughter of Zeus, and Hera turned deity of the underworld. Her story only survives in Scholia on Theocritus’ Idyll 2 and is as follows. English names linked to the root Ángelos are in use since the 18th-century. An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs and halos around their heads, found in various religions and mythologies. The theological study of angels is known as “angelology.” In the Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, they are represented as heavenly and benevolent beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth or as guardian spirits as a guiding influence.