Page 2 Names Like Amear

Showing 21 to 40 out of total 184 names like Amear

Leader, Princess, Royal lady, The commander of the armed forces, a general and a born princess.
This name derives from the Middle English and the Old French “amber,” from the Latin “ambar,” which in turn derives from the Arabic “‘anbar,” meaning “amber.” Amber is a feminine given name taken from the word “amber,” the fossilized tree resin that is often used in the making of jewelry. The term can also refer to a yellowish-orange color.
A modern name meaning a person who is famous, brave and full of vigour.
Leader, Princess, Royal lady, A princess who has a heart of gold or a sheaf of corn.
This name derives from the Sanskrit and Indian (Hindi) “amara,” meaning “immortal one, eternal.” The Amarakosha is a thesaurus of Sanskrit written by the ancient Indian scholar Amarasimha.
This name derives from the Arabic “’-m-r > ʼamīr,” meaning “prince, ruler or commander.” Amīr is a title of high office, used throughout the Muslim world. Emirs are usually considered high-ranking Sheikhs, but in monarchic states, the term is also used for princes, with “emirate” analogous to a sovereign principality. In the beginning, the name simply meant commander or chief, but it was used as a title for governors or rulers, usually in smaller states, and in modern Arabic, it is equivalent to the English word “prince.”
The Immortal One.
The one who is a jewel-quality resin with a warm honey shade and is forever.
Bright and beautiful creatures who have very soft heart.
From the Arabic emir, meaning "ruler" or "prince". Also from the Hebrew meaning "from the top of the tree".
The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile; a workhorse, The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile, a workhorse.
This name derives from the Latin “ămŏr,” meaning “love, dear, affection,” which in turn derives from “ămo,” meaning “to love, loving.” The meaning is linked to “love for God” and “one who loves (God),” is very likely a reference to the love of God and His Creation, according to a logic typical ancient onomastics. Amatus of Nusco, in Italian Amato di Nusco (~1003–1093), was the first bishop of Nusco in Irpinia, southern Italy. He died (probably) on September 30, 1093. Numerous miracles were reported at the site of his tomb. His cult developed to the point where he became recognized as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated in the Roman Martyrology on September 30.
Germanic: Brave home, famous sword. Sanskrit, Arabic: Immortal, long-lived. Quechuan: Communal property.
This name derives from Old High German “Agimar,” composed of two elements: “*agi,ō” (edge, the sharpness of a weapon, sword) plus “mâri” (famous). The name means “famous in the use of the spear, famous in the use of weapons.”
Forever beautiful and elegant.
Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited, The superior or being prosperous and abundant.