Names Like Adeesa

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 37 names like Adeesa

Son of Adam; Son of the Red Earth; A derivative of name Adam, Son of Adam, Son of the Red Earth, A derivative of name Adam.
A Latin name, meaning: She is here.
Princess, daughter of the king.
Clear Spoken Person - African, Clear Spoken Person - African.
This name derives from the Hebrew “adamah > ‘âdâm > Adam,” meaning: (Literally: the ground, the earth), (Figurative: man, being human), (Arabic: made from the earth, made from the mud). Adam is a figure in the Book of Genesis, the Quran, and the Kitáb-i-Íqán. In the Genesis creation narratives, he was created by Yahweh-Elohim (Yahweh-God, the god of Israel), though the term “Adam” can refer to both the first person as well as to the general creation of humankind. Christian churches differ on how they view Adam’s subsequent behavior, often called “the fall of man.” Linked to this root, the name “Addison” (son of Adam) was the 14th most common name for girls born in the United States in 2012. Adam is also a surname in many countries, although it is not as common in English as its derivative Adams (sometimes spelled Addams). In other languages, there are similar surnames derived from Adam, such as Adamo, Adamov, Adamowicz, Adamski, etc. According to the United States Social Security card applications in 1984, the name Adam ranked 18th out of the top 100 names chosen by parents for their baby boys.
The soul, Divine.
Name of Kourosh's daughter.
This name probably derives from the Ancient Germanic “otho,” from the Ancient Germanic “*audaz,” meaning “prosperity, fortune, riches, wealth, heiress” or from “*ōþ- > uodil,” meaning “One’s ancestral land, homeland, home, territory.” Audo and Odo were originally diminutives of all names beginning with the element “od-, ot-.” Otto, also spelled Othon (Greek: Ὄθων, βασιλεὺς τῆς Ἑλλάδος) (1815–1867), was a Bavarian prince who became the first modern king of Greece in 1832 under the convention of London. He reigned until his deposition in 1862. In 1832, Otto, Prince of Bavaria, was proclaimed king of Greece. He adopted the Greek spelling of his name, king Othon, as well as Greek national dress. One of his first tasks as king was to conduct a detailed archaeological and topographical survey of Athens, his new capital. He assigned Gustav Eduard Schaubert and Stamatios Kleanthis to complete this task. Saint Otto of Bamberg was a Medieval German bishop and missionary who, as papal legate, converted much of Pomerania to Christianity.
This name probably derives from the Ancient Greek “actḗ (ακτή),” meaning “headland, cape, promontory, any raised place.” Attis was the consort of his mother, Cybele, in Phrygian and Greek mythology. His priests were eunuchs, the Galli, as explained by origin myths about Attis and castration.